Monday, July 7, 2008

Want to test video games??

If you live in the LA area, you can totally be on my call list to test the latest video games! You must be able to attend a testing in the LA area during the week. Please send me an email at with the following details - and do it quick, I already have two testings lined up for this week!!

What consoles you own (from PC to XBox, and including handhelds)
Your three favorite games (current)

These sessions offer compensation of free games and often cash as well! It's a lot of fun and I have all kinds of games that need testing, so don't hesitate to drop me a line, even if you're just a beginner or casual gamer!


Unknown said...

why oh why cant you be in florida?
do you know of anyone in florida who is currently looking for testers?

Shalene said...

I don't know how available I can be durring the week to jet out to LA. I live in Riverside. But I did have an idea. Feel free to reject me. lol I noticed your blog is called Girls who game, but you're the only one on here. If you're ever interested in collaborating, I think it would be fun. We live in two major metros in so cal, you have 360, I have PS3 (you might have that too, I'm not sure) we could write complimentary console specific reviews and such.... just an idea. I've seen blogs with more than one author that have a pretty good following, which is nice when you're really interested in blogging, you know? Well, let me know what you think even if it's "Hell no! I don't even know you!" lol even so, I'm still adding your blog to my reading list. :)

Tara Ochs said...

Ah damn... semantics suck. Yes, I have a dream myself of someday creating a site where girls around the world can speak as frankly about video games as they do about... you know what. And hopefully we will be able to also use this forum to get guys, cause let's face it - gamers of today are the husbands-who-never-leave-the-house of tomorrow!