Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Alright Already! Taping TODAY!

SPOILER ALERT - Don't read the third paragraph if you haven't seen the Season 1 Finale of Torchwood yet and care.

Here's the problem with having a great idea and also having a video game addiction: everytime you think - "Oh, hey, I wanted to get that thing done that is really creative and fufilling and could lead to an awesome future perfect job!" - you are probably also thinking simultaneously - "Man I want to finish the campaign on Halo 3 so I can start the campaign on Call of Duty 4." And as an addiction is defined in Tara's Unabridged and Incomplete Dictionary as "Anything that you want to do way more than anything else, to the extent that you forget to go to class or eat," it is clear which of these activities is more likely to commence.

In short, I'd rather play video games than tell you about them. Sorry, but you aren't quite as fulfilling as finding the skulls. It sounds ridiculous when I type it, but it's true.

Well, and then there's the part where I have this silly fear that my review show is actually really vital to the welfare of the universe and if this next episode sucks then somehow that is going to cause a major rift in space-time and that awesome/scary beast will appear whose shadow is enough to kill you (as seen in Torchwood). I know. It's unlikely, and even if it happens, John Barrowman can save the world just by screaming and shooting white light out of his chest. Oh damn - I guess I have to put spoiler alert at the top of this post now... OK, hang on... There. Anyway, the point is, it's not a huge deal if my episode sucks, and frankly I don't think it will, so now that I've finished Halo 3, I am going to shoot this damn review and post it already. Thanks for your patience, and maybe between this and my next review, there won't be such a lame lag time. Of course, Christmas is around the corner, and that means more free time and new games as presents!!! So no promises.

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