Thursday, October 11, 2007

In the beginning there was Bioshock

Our first video will be posted within the hour, and I am nervous as hell. First of all, how dare I? How dare anyone, really? Seriously? HOW?

Who do I think I am to tell you what I think about video games? It's a good question. I'm stuck. Couldn't tell you what gives me the right, but I can tell you that I have always been overwhelmed by the quantities of reviews out there, and how few of them are interesting or intelligible to the average gamer. Especially girls. We game, PS.

Years ago, when I was a wee chicken, I realized that the boys were all talking about one thing - Nintendo. And if I could also talk about Nintendo, perhaps even educate them on how to get a hundred lives on Level 1-1 of Super Mario Bros, then perhaps they would pay me a little attention. This was pre-boobs, by the way. So I did what I could. I played games. Sure I played the hell out of Zelda (who was the jerk that told me after you beat it nine times something cool would happen??). But I also played Metroid and Megaman, TecmoBowl and Ice Hockey. I taught myself Basic and programmed a little man of letters to run across the screen of my TI. And I spent HOURS looking under rocks and kissing trees in the King's Quest series.

So here I am, years later, and I want you to know what I'm playing. Because I want to know what you're playing. Because there is so much out there now, and if I miss another good one like Resident Evil 4, I might just cry. And also because boys are still gaming, and they are still cute. Very cute. Sigh...

Welcome to my video game reviewing club. Hopefully I'll review every two weeks. We'll see. I've got my sights set on Eternal Sonata next - SO GIRLY!!! But if I start getting into RPGs like I'm wont to do, you may not see me for awhile. In the meantime, please post comments (don't be scared to sign up for an account, Google doesn't bite) and give me your gamertag so I can add you to my Xbox Live friends list. (If you don't have XBox Live, diseregard that last part about the gamertag.)


Unknown said...

Not bad for a first time. Should be much easier than selling a bank. good luck with the reviews. And stay out of Vegas.

Greg said...

Dear Tara,

Hi! It's Greg from PHS. Perhaps you remember Arsenic and Old Lace, when I bore your mishapen hand across my breast? I can see from your headshot and from your lovely "box" that you are still mind-shatteringly beautiful. Oddly enough, I dreamt of you the other night, so I thought I'd google your name for shits and giggles. Your succes is no surprise to me since I always thought you were one of the best. Of course, I'm sure you know that I had a debilating crush on you and that I worshipped you from afar. Even though you made blatant overtures to which I, in my innocent youth, was too shy to respond, I was still smitten.

I've been teaching seventh-graders English and college kids Shakespeare. I consider teaching to be a sort of performance art. Try playing to a captive audience of 13-year-olds. It's tough. They will heckle you if you suck.

I guess I was in love you, or I thought I was. Hey, if I felt that way, then maybe I was. Who really knows? Give my regards to Laura, whom I courted for a brief, sweet night before she went off to Rollins. I was too chickenshit to kiss her, too. Rest assured that my relationship with her was an entirely different matter, which I will also cherish. Your vision from the ether reawakened all those old feelings, even if they are more thatn ten years gone. Do remember when you called me Teddy or when you said, "Pick me up" back stage? I was all too happy to oblige. You asked me to speak French one time, too. Well, here goes: Je t'aime toujours. My email is Hope you write sometimes. Maybe I'll be innundated by hordes of gamers? Oh, well. I've never had a blog before!

Your Teddy always,